Mission Statement

Personality Piety was founded in February of 2017 by four Arcadia University students sharing an intense interest in individual personalities, why we are the way we are, and why society seems to be so obsessed with aligning ourselves and each other with certain labels. In a world where we’re constantly trying to escape or refute labels given to us, why would we want to take on even more? This is the question that our collaborative project strives to answer via research podcasts, round-table podcasts, video interviews, lifestyle magazine worthy articles, and traditional research.

The name of our website, Personality Piety, came from a very simple idea. The idea that we, as individuals and as a group, are devoted to knowing more about our own personalities and learning about the infatuation with personality definers. The word piety itself means “a belief or point of view that is accepted with unthinking conventional reverence.” This definition brings meaning and credibility to our website because it states right in the title that we are devoted to this subject.

We created this website as four individuals who did not know each other outside of an “acquaintance” level and seemed to be very different from each other. After talking about interests and different possibilities for our project topic we found that we all take an interest in knowing about the aspects of our personalities and aligning ourselves with self-given labels. Upon discovering this, we realized that our society today (and for years prior) seem to have a sort of obsession with the idea of taking personality tests and having self given labels to identify with. It’s almost impossible to scroll through Facebook and not see a quiz titled something along the lines of “Based on Your Personality, Which Finding Nemo Character Are You?”. Almost everyone knows their zodiac sign, their Myers-Briggs type, what color their aura is, and what Hogwarts House they belong to. It’s so common in our society to just know these things that we didn’t even realize how crazy it is. Because we discovered this idea together, we decided to create a website comprised of self-done research to try to answer this question.

Our main focus when conducting research and putting together our interviews, podcasts, and articles was to figure out why everyone loves personality tests, how accurate they are, as well as learn about all the different aspects of personality. We took multiple tests as well as made interviewees take them and then we talked about how accurate we find them. We also backed up our claims with research about these things as well as including some fun entertainment as well.

When creating this website and conducting our research we really hope to showcase all that we have learned and accomplished throughout our few weeks studying this topic. We hope to provide some sort of a reasoning for why society seems to love personality tests and if people truly think they have any accuracy. We hope to share with our readers and viewers the answers we found during our research as well as our personal thoughts, experiments, and experiences throughout this process. More than anything, we hope to have provided some sort of answer, entertainment, or fulfillment for those that have found our website in their own personality test endeavors. We hope for this to be a positive, informative, and enjoyable experience for our readers, listeners, and viewers as it was for us.