About Us

Welcome to Personality Piety! We’re happy you stopped by.

Really quick, can you think of 5 things that identify you?

It probably wasn’t hard to think of. Out of those 5 things, were any of them a zodiac sign, or perhaps even a Myers-Briggs personality type? If so, you’re not the only one. If not, you most likely still know where you fall under those two things.

This isn’t news to us here at Personality Piety, and man are we confused about this – since when have people been this proactive in finding external tests and signs with which to identify themselves? Since when have individuals become not only willing, but seemingly eager to take on labels?

These questions, and of course many more, or the ones we week to explore. Check out our podcasts and feature articles to begin the journey! There’s no bad order in which to dive in.

Lastly, it seems that we’ve been a bit rude – having told you this much without even introducing ourselves. Our team is made up of:


Kristen Stedman: an Aquarius, INFJ, and guilt-ridden Buzzfeed-quiz addict. Her articles with us include Challenge: Living by Horoscope, Astrology’s History, and Ostracized Ophiuchus. She also worked closely on our investigative podcast segment about zodiac signs. Throughout all of this, she was never without a cup of hot tea.




img_1661Felicia Hall: Libra, INFP, and confirmed addict to all things personality. She worked closely with the Myers-Briggs Podcast, as well as wrote these articles with us: Ambi-what? & Challenge: Know Yourself.  When not reading about all things MBTI or forcing her friends to take the questionnaire, she can often be found watching FRIENDS and drinking an unhealthy amount of coffee.


Bella Bumbera is an INFJ Libra who sometimes identifies as a Ravenclaw and at other times a Hufflepuff (she has both scarves, just in case). Her articles include Twins & Personality Tests, and she can be heard on the Zodiac Podcast. When she’s not frantically trying to memorize Spanish vocabulary, she can be found quietly laughing to herself over cute animal memes.